I think the only good thing he ever did for her was introducing her to Nina Simone’s music. Even after marriage, he still barely made enough to sustain his family. He soon learned that she had money and she became his cash cow. He was a brilliant engineering student always inventing new thing but his lack of funds limited his dreams of grandeur. She then recalls how she met her husband in college. Henson) at a therapist’s office who appears to be counseling her about her anger problems. It starts off on a high note with great cinematography shots of Melinda (Taraji P.

However, she delivers a stellar performance like she always does. Henson to play the role of an angry black woman which she has done in many films. According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of ‘acrimony’ is anger and bitterness which is what the movie is about. The lack of creativity plays out right from the title of the movie.

Acrimony is exactly the movie you watch because there’s nothing better to do. However, you can always look forward to the over-dramatized plotlines that will keep your mind pre-occupied for the next hour and a half. There isn’t much originality to expect from a Tyler Perry Movie.